Is Snoring Making You Sick – Twelve Interesting Facts

There are many solutions to stop snoring and more solutions are coming every year. When someone has a problem with snoring it is a symptom of physical conditions of the throat or nose, or related to weak muscles in the back of the throat. This occurs as we age, naturally, yet some children also snore.

 There are several over the counter solutions that work for most individuals who snore. These include foam pillows, soft pillows with asupport base, nose strips, mouth pieces and throat sprays.

You should take an action to cure your snoring to improve your health. Snoring prevents necessary oxygen from entering your airways. The lack of oxygen from snoring causes many serious problems. We need good, healthy sleep to keep us sharp and full of energy. Here are statistics that will convince you to take care of that health problem.

1. Snoring affects 30% of adults, rising to 40% in middle age.

2. Snoring occurs with the muscles in the tongue and throat, relax and vibrate.

3. Snoring is more frequent when you gain weight.

4. Snoring is more common with alcohol consumption.

5. Snoring is common if you have nasal problems.

6. Snoring is often associated with Sleep Apnea.

7. Snoring is an occasional problem, or can be habitual.

8. Snoring causes exhaustion from the lack of proper sleep.

9. Snoring can hurt a sleeping partner’s hearing.

10. Snoring affects hypertension and heart disease.

11. Snoring helps weight gain.

12. Snoring people wake up an average of 23 times during the night.

There are several over the counter solutions that work for most individuals who snore. These include foam pillows, soft pillows with asupport base, nose strips, mouth pieces and throat sprays. Everything does not work for each person.

The statistics show the relevance of snoring leading to many health problems. It is in the best interest of every person who snores to take action to stop the irregular breathing. Every solution does not work for every person. Therefore you may need to try a few before you find relief. It is always good to see a doctor to diagnose if you have sleep apnea. This is a very serious issue that can even cause death.

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